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SG takes a glimpse at sports betting technology’s US future

SBC’s Managing Director, Andrew McCarron, interviews Cathryn Lai of Scientific Games, about where SG sees the future for sports betting technology in the US and where it can make a difference in a rapidly evolving new marketplace. 

What is it?

The session titled Future For Sports Betting Technology in the US taken from Betting on Sports America – Digital looks at how the technology provider leverages the best of breed technology developed in international markets with its comprehensive state by state knowledge from the wider Scientific Games Group. 

Lai also details what lessons have been learned from the global pandemic and which areas are a key focus for SG development in the future.

Who is it?

Cathryn Lai, SVP and GM, US – Digital, Scientific Games

Andrew McCarron, Managing Director, SBC

What is being said?

Commenting on the COVID pandemic and its impact on the business, Lai stated: “When we look at COVID in general and how the world has changed, one thing we’ve found is that there’s been a lot of acceleration of trends that I think we always thought were going to happen. 

“For instance, retail. I don’t know if anyone’s going to go back to the mall but everyone’s got pretty comfortable shopping online. All of these things in other industries have been accelerated by COVID. I think when you look into the gaming sector it’s no different, and actually if anything it’s been even more apparent.”

Why should I watch it?

Learn more about the future for sports betting technology in the US.

Where can I see more?

Source: SBC YouTube

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