Home Sector Betting DraftKings: NBA Finals too close to call heading into game six

DraftKings: NBA Finals too close to call heading into game six

Heading into game six of the NBA Finals, DraftKings Contributor Kenny Ducey and Rotowire’s Nick Whalen joined Emerson Lotzia, to try and dissect where the tight series will be won and lost. 

Following a stellar trio of performances from the Milwaukee Bucks, Whalen emphasised that history is on the Bucks side, as they have an opportunity to win the championship on their own patch in game six. 

He added that he believes the game will be similar to the last two of the series, with it being close and decided in the final moments. 

Ducey agreed with Whalen and added the stakes of the game could mean there is value in the unders market, with the pricing inflated by an unusually high-scoring game five. 

Furthermore, the panel also highlighted DeAndre Ayton as being key to the Phoenix Suns’ chances of taking it to a game seven, as well as potentially having value in having potential value when it comes to prop betting – specifically citing the rebound markets. 

As the series heads back to Milwaukee on Tuesday night, the Bucks hold a 3-2 lead and have a chance to capture the Championship, denying the Suns a game seven after a dramatic back and forth series. 

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