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DraftKings: GaryVee and Bootsy Collins praise the Bengals ahead of clash with the Jets

Continuing its expansive NFL coverage, DraftKings and Gary Vaynerchuk released the latest issue of ‘Die Hard Dialogue’, as he speaks with fans of the Bucs and Bengals ahead of the latest round of futures in the competition. 

GaryVee was also joined by Jessie Coffield, who revealed she had sympathy for the host, who is an avid fan of the New York Jets- a side that have struggled significantly in the opening stages of the season. 

The influencer oozed pessimism over this weekend’s Jets clash with the in-form Cincinnati Bengals, as Vaynerchuk praised the young side and revealed he is thankful this weekend marks the rare occasion that he won’t be in attendance for a Jets game. 

The mood was lifted rapidly however, as the charismatic Bootsy Collins joined the show and lauded his Bengals, as they have gone 5-2 so far this campaign. 

The acclaimed musician and lifelong Bengals fan stated he has never seen confidence and swagger so high for his side. Moving forward, he underlined the importance of the Bengals remaining focused and not overlooking any sides no matter what the formbook says. 

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