With the regulatory framework for UK gambling set to change dramatically as we await the publishing of the government’s white paper for reform, David Clifton hosted discussions at Betting on Sports Europe on what licensees should expect.  

The Director of gambling consultancy group Clifton Davies Consultancy highlighted the significance of affordability as being at the heart of the issue and something that needs to be handled delicately. 

It ties in with data, according to Clifton, as he stated that the most efficient usage of data relating to customer behaviour and obtaining greater information with regards to a customer’s financial circumstance, will be vital to the complex subject of affordability. 

Clifton emphasised the need for certainty – as rumours continue to circulate of potential affordability limits within the space, he also warned of the impact a £100 limit could have on consumers, who feel they are having their privacy infringed upon. 

In his most recent column on SBC News, Clifton analysed a period of transition for the government and what that means for the Gambling Act Review. 

He stated: “Time will tell whether the newly appointed Gambling Minister, Damian Collins, will take a different view than his predecessor. The draft White Paper that, prior to his departure from office, Philp had deposited at Number 10, Downing Street was fully expected to reflect a crackdown on the online gambling sector in particular.

“Firm clues on the content of the White Paper have been dropped for a number of months now. I focused on some of these in my previous ‘Licensing Expert’ articles for SBC News entitled ‘All eyes focused on gambling’s A-factor’ and, before that, Musings on a pending White Paper’. Others followed, with media speculation reaching a particular peak at the end of June.

“The Gambling Commission has done its part too in bringing about change. Its updated Licensing, Compliance & Enforcement Policy came into immediate effect on 23rd June as it published its consultation response on that same subject. This was followed by its announcement about forthcoming ‘changes to the way licensing works’.”

David Clifton: Affordability and data likely to be at the heart of gambling reform