There is a new name on the block when it comes to imparting knowledge on the igaming industry. 

Tomorrow (July 24) marks the launch of the first two episodes of the 15-minute Mastery podcast which aims to empower listeners “with insights from leading igaming experts”.

“Episode zero” will feature the show’s Co-Founders, Dmitry Belianin and John Robery, who will introduce the concept and vision for the podcast.

This will be followed by episode one with Gali Hartuv, CEO of WarriorLab, who breaks down how to build an effective VIP program.

Ahead of the first episodes dropping, the show released a video teaser on its LinkedIn page featuring Hartuv breaking down his seven steps to success. 

After explaining the importance of understanding your target audience and defining VIP segments, Hartuv moves on to his third step, creating your VIP brand.

He said: “The VIP program is the focal point but the VIP program needs to present and look a particular way and that’s why VIP branding is so important. It’s not a brand you can just throw out and put gold colours and the work VIP and that’s good enough.

“VIPs are spoilt for choice and therefore you really need something that stands out. You have to be conscious of VIP psychology, localised cultural elements and a personalisation factor that goes into branding. It’s no longer just a creative exercise. It’s something that has a lot of thought and planning behind it.”

He then goes on to describe the need for “personalisation and customisation” as his next step.

“Personalisation is absolutely crucial with getting that loyalty or trust factor established,” explained Hartuv. “Customisation and tailoring that experience at a player level as opposed to a segment level is what will ultimately lead to successful player buy-in by your players or rejection due to it being perceived as not authentic.”

He finishes by listing the last two steps as “communication and engagement” and “continuous monitoring and refinement” of your VIP program.

15-Minute Mastery launches with seven steps to VIP Program success