Ted Orme-Claye, Editor of Insider Sport and Payment Expert, sat down with Sam Hill, Sales Director at Altenar, and Giannis Papakonstantinou, Account Management Director at Altenar, at the Canadian Gaming Summit to discuss the company’s imminent entrance into North America.

The pair detailed their “excitement” for growth opportunities in North America and Hill also touched on if the company is ready for expansion into the market. 

Hill said: “I think we’re well prepared. We’ve [been] licenced for Ontario and have been for a number of years. We are active in the market and looking very, very soon to bring a number of our global customers into Ontario.

“In regards to the USA, we are actively going through the licencing process currently for New Jersey. And then once we’ve got that we’ll look to replicate our licencing across a number of other states.”

The company has agreed to several partnerships in recent months and Hill spoke about how the deals give Altenar confidence in the products and services it is offering.

Hill added: “I think from a product offering we are absolutely at the top of the list with regards to sportsbook suppliers in the market. I think we can take great confidence that the current customer base is looking to do more with us, add new brands and add new markets.

“To keep bringing new customers onto our network, I think says a lot about the quality of the product. But as importantly it’s the support and the service levels that we offer. I think that’s the differentiator from the market.”

With the imminent launch of Altenar in North America, Papakonstantinou outlined which of the company’s products would be most suited to the US and Canadian markets.

“It is all about the right content, the right layout and marketing,” explained Papakonstantinou. “In Altenar we make sure that we give our operators the necessary tools in order to succeed in this very competitive market.

“When it comes to the right content. We are using a variety of different premium data feeds to power up this sportsbook and in addition, we are using complementary feeds in order to get extra content like micro betting markets and player special markets for both pre-match and live.”

One of Altenar’s premier features is its Boosted Odds tool and Papakonstantinou explained how the operators can use the tool to “attract more users and increase client retention”.

Papakonstantinou added: “[Boosted Odds] allows users to create specific marketing campaigns around selections and around events that they want to promote in the target-specific audience and their clients and it allows them to offer better pricing.”

Altenar “excited” for growth opportunities in North America