The sports commission in Brazil approved a report from Senator Romário, former Barcelona and PSV forward and 1994 World Cup Winner, which includes longer times for licences and interestingly, an amendment that bans advertising and sponsorships. Amidst a pushback from pro clubs, Goiás Senator Jorge Kajuru, himself a Sports Broadcaster, has guaranteed there will be no such restrictions.

To make sense of this, SBC Noticias’ Fernando Noodt makes his hosting debut on iGaming Daily after many appearances on the other side of the desk, and is joined by our resident Brazil expert, Isadora Marcante of SBC Notícias Brasil. Isa takes us through the report, the reaction to the advertising restrictions, what happens next and the likely timeline of this moving forward.

To read more:

Elisa Marcante’s piece on Kajuru’s promise:…

Isadora’s interview with Tiago Gomes:   • Ep 137: Portaria through the legal le…  

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