New affiliates need to “be transparent” and “set realistic goals” according to the Founder of Gamblers Connect and Link Data Media, Gjorgje Ristikj.

Ristikj offered this advice during an interview with AffPapa at the recent igaming Club Conference in Malaga.

He said: “[Affiliates] must be transparent in public. So many affiliates are not communicating with affiliate managers and with different channels. So they must be transparent and make cooperation articles between the companies and the affiliates. And [they should] also set realistic goals.”

Another fear for new affiliates in the igaming industry is being the victim of scams and Ristikj explained that affiliates should ask for a listing fee to avoid this happening.

He said: “Many operators after two or three months may disappear so affiliates in that way, will be protected with these kinds of listing fees. 

“They put so much effort into writing these full reviews to promote these operators. Make the cooperation articles or press release interviews and in the end, they will end with nothing because operators maybe will disappear and not pay any commission.”

Is AI the future of affiliate marketing?

Earlier this month, the team at CasinoBeats spoke to members of the gaming industry to explore how AI could be used within affiliate marketing.

Martyn Hannah, Founder & MD of Comparasino emphasised the importance of strategy when it comes to the relationship between affiliate marketing and AI outlining that “affiliates should use AI if they have a genuine use case for doing so”.

Sue Dawson, Head of Content, FTD Digital, echoed these sentiments and also detailed the need for AI to be combined with a human touch.

She said: “The final checks on a piece of content need to be carried out by a human with good attention to detail. ChatGPT always needs to be fact-checked and now, we need to bear in mind that anything we read on a website may itself be written by ChatGPT. The more AI content there is out there, the more careful and thorough we are going to need to be with our fact-checking,”

Transparency and realistic goals keys to affiliate success per Gjorgje Ristikj