A staggering number of iGaming operators are squandering an “astronomical amount” of their marketing budgets.

This, according to Sportradar’s EVP, Global Marketing, Adam Azor, results in iGaming operators missing out on critical opportunities and driving diminished returns.

Azor offered these insights on the debut episode of Digital Footprint’s new video series, Footprints in the Market, hosted by the firm’s Managing Director, Sharon McFarlane

The series, which brings together “some of the biggest minds” in iGaming marketing, aims to help businesses overcome industry-specific challenges and optimise their marketing strategies.

Despite the size of the iGaming industry and the substantial investments many operators make in marketing — often between 20 to 30% of their overall turnover — a vast majority are said to not use their resources effectively. 

The conversation begins to look into the inefficiency that is creating a growing divide between those companies at the forefront of marketing innovation and the majority who are struggling to make meaningful impacts with their campaigns.

Vast Wastage in Marketing Budgets

“There’s so much wastage, and so much opportunity for improvement,” Azor claimed. “When we think about the iGaming industry, between 20 and 30% of turnover is typically allocated to marketing. But the real question is, how are operators using this budget? A good marketer’s job is to make sure every part of that spend is effective.”

Azor highlighted that while a small number of companies are excelling by embracing new strategies and technologies, many are missing the mark due to ineffective budgeting and poor organisational structure. He continued, stressing that a key element of success for high-performing operators is the bravery to innovate and change.

“The ones that are doing well have well-structured marketing organisations that mix technical category knowledge with fresh ideas from other industries,” he added. “It’s their willingness to be brave, to adopt change, that makes the difference,” 

The Launch of Footprints in the Market

This topic was central to the first episode of Footprints in the Market, Digital Footprint’s new series of videos aimed specifically at Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) and senior marketing executives in the iGaming space. The series intends to bridge the gap between those who are leading the way in iGaming marketing and those still struggling to optimise their strategies.

Each episode will offer practical insights and expert knowledge from some of the industry’s top minds, allowing professionals to learn how to better allocate resources, adapt to evolving trends, and overcome the specific challenges that the iGaming industry faces.

The series seeks to answer a pressing question in the industry: how can iGaming operators use their marketing budgets more effectively, and what strategies can they adopt to ensure better returns on their investments?

Hyper-Personalisation: A Growing Trend

Among the solutions presented in the first episode, the focus on hyper-personalisation emerged as a promising direction for operators looking to optimise their customer engagement. 

Hyper-personalisation, which leverages first-party data to create tailored player experiences, was discussed as a vital strategy for iGaming marketers to increase player retention and engagement.

Sportradar’s partnership with Vaix, a developer of AI solutions for the iGaming sector, was highlighted as an example of how personalization can be taken to the next level. The companies are developing a Netflix-style home screen for operator platforms, allowing players to see game suggestions and content tailored to their preferences based on past behaviour and trends.

“Vaix’s AI-driven personalisation technology essentially transforms an operator’s platform into something resembling the Netflix home screen,”Azor stated. “By tapping into first-party data and using it to suggest games and interactions based on player behaviour, operators can create a highly engaging experience that players have come to expect from platforms like Netflix or YouTube.”

Bravery and Change: Key Qualities for Success

Throughout the session, one consistent theme emerged: the importance of bravery in marketing. In an industry as fast-paced and competitive as iGaming, those who succeed are often the ones who are not afraid to take risks and implement new strategies.

Azor explained: “People underestimate how important bravery is in marketing. It’s the marketers who aren’t afraid to make bold decisions, embrace new technology, and bring in new ideas that end up leading the pack. It’s not enough to just follow the same playbook — the game is constantly changing, and marketers have to change with it.”

A New Era of iGaming Marketing

The first episode of Footprints in the Market has set the stage for a series that will provide guidance for iGaming marketers. As the industry faces increasing pressure to reduce wasted spend and drive better returns, this series aims to be a resource for those looking to stay ahead of the curve.

All episodes of Footprints in the Market will be available via SBC News, SBC’s official YouTube channel and GamblingTV.

Footprints in the Market: iGaming operators are wasting ‘astronomical’ marketing budgets